Friday, April 13, 2012

The Cheesecake factory...

First, let me start by saying.. Lots of people have told me I should "start a blog" and I have tho I'm not real great at publishing much. I've also written several chapters for two kinds of books on a affairs. I stopped writing because 1.. I'm intimated not by the writing but the grammar and punctuation. Don't get me wrong, I know about and can write correctly, I just choose my style with three periods and a million run on sentences because I am writing in my stream of consciousness and that Is how I think. 2..I often write on my phone because it's handy and that makes it hard to proofread.. 3.. Because the people in the books or one of them anyway gets sensitive when I am so honest.. Well I've decided I can't help that.. I didn't choose this topic for my life.. Two people very close to me did.. So sorry if it is hard to read my words. You are free to not.. But I no longer choose silence because I think making it as taboo as we in our society yet sensationalizing in the movies and on TV only adds to the curiosity and intrigue of it.. With that said.. Today is short..and not really about affairs.

If you are the mother of an elementary school student and you attend lunch at that the school or volunteer often.. A little bit about dress..

A friend of mine from Memphis and I were discussing this the other night. If you are going to lunch with your child or are at any daytime event.. There is an appropriate way to look.. Not in that list of appropriateness is the following: heels so high that you look like a little kid wearing her Momma's shoes, shirts so low that even the kids have to "bounce" their eyes so as not to see your "girls", skirts so short that even Hooters girls would look twice, and a voice so loud so as EVERYONE in the metro area can hear and be sure and SEE you.

Now I don't say all of this to be mean. I say it because I'm afraid that some people's Mothers didn't teach them any better or maybe they found their Mothers to be prudes. Either way.. Ladies, it's time to grow up. I have yet to understand why some woman choose to have people talk about them but let me ASSURE you, the other woman are NOT jealous! Not even a little, at least not if they have been out of High School for longer than five minutes. Anyone can dress like that if they want to. They are sincerely talking about how ridiculous you look. They truly think that you NEED attention and that it's a sad pathetic way to live. I know people with that mentality get off on thinking everyone is looking at them wishing they were them.. Newsflash here.. THEY DO NOT WANT TO BE YOU.. Frankly when you leave high school you can be anything you want to be.. So if they wanted to be like that they would..

Note on when people are at a school type event with their husband and woman are dressed like that and people are talking.. Think of it like a decadent cheesecake.. Ladies do NOT put a piece of really fatting, full of crap cheese cake in front of their spouse unless they want them to eat it.. Men are visual and weak and many of them will eat the cake if no one is watching. That does not mean ladies are jealous of the cheesecake. The cake could be any kind..chocolate, cherry, coconut.. If it's there, most men will look, and many men would partake. Do you really want to be that piece of crap that men eat one bite of and go back to the real food they actually love??

If that is your goal in life: get men to look at you, embarrass your kids, and have people talk about you that's your issue and your own self esteem that you have to deal with but just wanted you to know that the average woman is not jealous nor do they want to be you. Now do they wish they had your body, maybe..but even if they did I bet they would respect themselves and their families enough to dress with class. When most of us reach a certain age we no longer need the attention of men that look at us like something to be used and prefer for woman around us to respect us and for us to respect ourselves. So go on.. Look around, they are laughing AT you not for a minute do they want to be laughing with you! And yeah.. I'm just sayin!


  1. Very nice blog and a really good post on dress in todays age.
    I write and maintain a blog which I have entitled “Accordingtothebook” and I’d like to invite you to follow it.

  2. Oh...and my wife and I love the Cheesecake Factory.
