Monday, April 16, 2012

So close no matter how far.....

Sometimes in life random things happen that all seem to point in the same direction. As I said in the last post I have been encouraged in my writing by several people lately and for that I am thankful. I do have lots to say and even if no one cares to read it, I think writing is the most therapeutic tool there is.. Now, I am aware that some people cannot read without correcting the writing therefore this blog may not be for you. In the event that I one day take these posts and try to publish them I would have to edit. Since my goal currently is first to help myself understand my life a little better and second to maybe help just one person in similar circumstances, the details are not my focus and frankly take the fun and deepness out of the experience for me. Therefore, I have warned you that this will not be grammatically or any other way correct and will never ask those of you that can't handle my style if you have read a piece. With that said:


I have been focused on grief lately and it was before a big event in the life of a friend occurred.. Then she got the dreaded news and ironically the sermon Sunday was about how we don't take enough time for grief in our culture.. That the ancients understood something about how hard it is to deal with losing and how we try to push people to move on... For the purposes of this post we are discussing grief in any form as it relates to you.. Obviously death of someone you love is the number one form that everyone thinks of, but we grieve lots of things..from losing a dream, to a marriage, to a friendship, to our childhood or or children leaving childhood. So many ways that it is in our daily lives and all the positives in the world do not make our grief any less.. We still mourn these events and sometimes it takes a lot longer than society will allow.

Anyone that has taken psychology 101 has heard of Elisabeth Kubler-Ross and her five stages of grief, but for these purposes I want to show you how it is more than just death that she understands.. Incase you are not up on the stages they are as follows: Denial, Anger, Bargaining, Depression, and Acceptance. I think it may surprise you to learn the true meaning of what some of these mean and not my meaning but what the "experts" say. We are so conditioned in our culture to assign meaning to words and not actually understand that there can be several meanings.. For instance: forgiveness... That word does not just mean that you will absolve someone from the debt they owe you. It means that you understand and accept what happened and you are willing to forgive, but not always to forget and certainly not to absently trust again.. As the bible says, "don't give your pearls to people that
cannot appreciate them.." I often think of it being an "awful lot of oysters with no pearls".. (thank you Counting Crows) These stages are much of the same..

For instance, Denial.. Unless you have experienced it you cannot understand it fully. Yes you have been confronted with the bad that has happened. Someone dies, you catch your spouse in an affair, you find out that you cannot have children. You know that the event has occurred, but the brain is a funny thing.. Denial and shock are one in the same and they help us to only take bits of the grief at one time.. If you were to take all the shock of it you sometimes mentally could not handle it so you go numb and just try to survive each day... obviously with lots of tears and hopefully sleep because that is the only relief you have at times.. Or in my case about a weeks worth of alcohol just to leave the world.. That is not the suggested way but in my particular case I was in such shock and disbelief and my entire world as I had known it for 10 plus years was gone... I had to withdraw on a huge scale for fear of never returning.

Then came the anger.. I believe in anger.. I was angry at my husband and my best friend and the world and God and all the people that weren't handling things like I needed and the mean people in the world that acted as if I had no right to be angry and the church for asking me to keep this quiet.. It felt like everyone wanted to protect them above me and I was soooo angry and I withdrew more. During this time there was only ONE person I felt could understand and without him I wouldn't have made it. HE had been there before.. EXACTLY like I had and he helped me through the stages. The truth about anger though is that all it is is pain. Instead of feeling numb you are beginning to feel again and you need to hold on to something and anger is easy to hold on to because you have been wronged. Wronged by your spouse, or your friends, or the universe, or God.. It is something your mind can understand and use.

Then came the bargaining.. I had always used one of two people to help me in my worst times. My husband or my best friend. When he screwed up I went to her.. when she screwed up I went to him.. I had other friends but I felt that those two would ALWAYS be there.. Little did I know that they were talking often outside of anything I knew about and not always about me. Suddenly my loyalties were gone.. I felt if I didn't have one of them I had nothing and now suddenly I had to deal with the worse pain in my life without either of them.. possibly forever.. I had to protect my family. My kids needed their family.. SO I started bargaining. I would do whatever it took to make it work.. I could forget, I could have an "open" marriage if that's what he needed.. Did I need to dress trashy? Is that what he wanted? Did I need to learn to gamble? The two of them loved that and I did not. What?? What did I have to do to make this work. I did things during this phase that a rational human would NEVER consider and I changed who I was to try and make it right. I wanted to hold on to whatever I could of the life I thought I had.. To be honest I still live here often. Not living for me or what I think is right just to try and keep the peace. I have a feeling lots of grieving people do.

OH and then it hits.. The depression... I began to feel empty. I couldn't trust anything in my life. I still can't . What was real, what wasn't, did they make fun of me the way they both did so many others, no I didn't just get a boob job.. I was still having babies so my body image issues were in full force.. Why would they both not choose me?? What was wrong with me? I knew there was a weird energy with the two of them sometimes, but she would never do that.. Friends don't do that.. Was she not my friend? How many others has it been? What is wrong with me? Why can't they love me? Why would they choose each other... on and on and on... the questions and they sadness never ever stops.. and it goes into hopelessness.. IF I wasn't good enough for the two people I love the most then how can I be a good mother, daughter, anything?? I imagine depression and question comes in many forms depending on the loss but I can assure you it is not something you just get over and it is not something you WANT to live in. Especially in my situation it was hard because we are talking about self esteem and body issues that we all have from middle school on.. How will I ever be good enough??

Then finally comes Acceptance.. a HUGE word on this.... It is NOT that you are "all right" that everything is "ok" in fact you will go back and forth through all these stages lots of times.. Most people NEVER feel OK after a loss.. EVER.. it just means that you accept the reality that is your new life. It may just mean you have a few more good days than bad can NEVER EVER replace what you lost.. Even if you make new friends, remarry, adopt.. you can enjoy the "new normal" but for the most part that hole in your heart is there to stay. Depending on the loss you may never truly trust again, love again, feel safe again. All you can do is try to be thankful for what you do have and to trust that God has a plan and be glad that your enteral life is not in this fallen world.

Grief is not something that anyone can really help you get through or understand. It is not something that can be done in a specific timeframe. It is not something that just being thankful for your outside world can fix. It is not something that time makes easier. When you truly love (whatever that may look like) and you truly lose you never ever "get over it". The best you can do is pick yourself up and pray that you can get further tomorrow. When it is a betrayal it does make you look at everything in your world with different glasses and anyone that wants in will have to pass some tests and if it is the one that betrayed you they may live in a test for a long long time depending on how long the betrayal was and how honest and sensitive they were in the beginning and are now. Every new piece of information you receive is like starting over from square one in the grief process and every lie is magnified times 1000. People may feel they don't owe you that kind of time or love and honestly no one owes you anything but if THEY have done the hurting it shows their CHARACTER and how much they value their time, their heart, and their life over the life that they destroyed.. That too will be answered for in another world.. Unconditional love is a thing to be prized but when you lose the things you loved unconditionally you are no longer capable of accepting things on face value and all the mean hateful things that people do are just further proof to a broken heart that that heart cannot trust...

Also, keep in mind one further thing. We live outside ourselves and inside ourselves and both are equally important. If you cannot open your inside after you have had a loss then you are only giving the world the "best picture" of yourself but certainly not your true self.. I personally do not want half of anything anymore.. I had half and marriage, half friendship, half a life and I refuse to live half way anymore.. This is me.. the good, the bad, the broken, the hurt, the laughter, the music, and the pain.. If you cannot handle what all is me that is ok.. I am not here to please anyone. Although some days when my bargaining is in full force I regress.. I am trying to live my best life with the only tools I have and I hope that I can take all this crap and give someone a voice that others hear because my voice and my heart never really mattered to anyone.. They now matter to me...

Friday, April 13, 2012

The Cheesecake factory...

First, let me start by saying.. Lots of people have told me I should "start a blog" and I have tho I'm not real great at publishing much. I've also written several chapters for two kinds of books on a affairs. I stopped writing because 1.. I'm intimated not by the writing but the grammar and punctuation. Don't get me wrong, I know about and can write correctly, I just choose my style with three periods and a million run on sentences because I am writing in my stream of consciousness and that Is how I think. 2..I often write on my phone because it's handy and that makes it hard to proofread.. 3.. Because the people in the books or one of them anyway gets sensitive when I am so honest.. Well I've decided I can't help that.. I didn't choose this topic for my life.. Two people very close to me did.. So sorry if it is hard to read my words. You are free to not.. But I no longer choose silence because I think making it as taboo as we in our society yet sensationalizing in the movies and on TV only adds to the curiosity and intrigue of it.. With that said.. Today is short..and not really about affairs.

If you are the mother of an elementary school student and you attend lunch at that the school or volunteer often.. A little bit about dress..

A friend of mine from Memphis and I were discussing this the other night. If you are going to lunch with your child or are at any daytime event.. There is an appropriate way to look.. Not in that list of appropriateness is the following: heels so high that you look like a little kid wearing her Momma's shoes, shirts so low that even the kids have to "bounce" their eyes so as not to see your "girls", skirts so short that even Hooters girls would look twice, and a voice so loud so as EVERYONE in the metro area can hear and be sure and SEE you.

Now I don't say all of this to be mean. I say it because I'm afraid that some people's Mothers didn't teach them any better or maybe they found their Mothers to be prudes. Either way.. Ladies, it's time to grow up. I have yet to understand why some woman choose to have people talk about them but let me ASSURE you, the other woman are NOT jealous! Not even a little, at least not if they have been out of High School for longer than five minutes. Anyone can dress like that if they want to. They are sincerely talking about how ridiculous you look. They truly think that you NEED attention and that it's a sad pathetic way to live. I know people with that mentality get off on thinking everyone is looking at them wishing they were them.. Newsflash here.. THEY DO NOT WANT TO BE YOU.. Frankly when you leave high school you can be anything you want to be.. So if they wanted to be like that they would..

Note on when people are at a school type event with their husband and woman are dressed like that and people are talking.. Think of it like a decadent cheesecake.. Ladies do NOT put a piece of really fatting, full of crap cheese cake in front of their spouse unless they want them to eat it.. Men are visual and weak and many of them will eat the cake if no one is watching. That does not mean ladies are jealous of the cheesecake. The cake could be any kind..chocolate, cherry, coconut.. If it's there, most men will look, and many men would partake. Do you really want to be that piece of crap that men eat one bite of and go back to the real food they actually love??

If that is your goal in life: get men to look at you, embarrass your kids, and have people talk about you that's your issue and your own self esteem that you have to deal with but just wanted you to know that the average woman is not jealous nor do they want to be you. Now do they wish they had your body, maybe..but even if they did I bet they would respect themselves and their families enough to dress with class. When most of us reach a certain age we no longer need the attention of men that look at us like something to be used and prefer for woman around us to respect us and for us to respect ourselves. So go on.. Look around, they are laughing AT you not for a minute do they want to be laughing with you! And yeah.. I'm just sayin!

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Everything I needed to know was confirmed by the Greeks....

The last few months I have really been doing evaluations of what is important in my life, in my history, and how those things have made me who I am.. When I enrolled in College at Western Kentucky University, my Mother was determined I was going to Go Greek. Me, I wasn't so sure.. It's not that I didn't like having a million girlfriends or that I didn't want the experience, but you see I was in my Pearl Jam phase (not to be confused with those pearls you see around my neck often now!) My REM..My Nirvana..and that was not a shiny happy place.  I wanted to forget the Vineyard Vines Chinos with the whales on them that my Mother thought were so cute and anything else that had to do with "Preppie".. I did't put my "lipstick on" or do more that wear a ponytail mostly in rebellion to the roots that had raised me.. I wanted to be "different" (while conforming with the music imagines that MTV used to show in videos). I was "soooo" different.. No wonder my parents thought I was "the most brilliant different child that looked liked everyone else".. Oh, I would never redo High School...

Then I got to the dorm.. I had met my roommate on a shopping trip for matching comforters but we weren't "friends" yet as this was before cell phones and texting and long distance used to cost money.. (and oh my goodness I am that old woman I always laughed at..) anyway, she was rushing.. I didn't want to sit in my room alone so I too decided I would "make my Mom happy" and see what it was all about. We had some girls across the hall that also went with us. One of which ended up being one of the best friends I ever had. It was scary as all of these happy loud girls chanting forever old chats in bright colors from pink, to red, to purple, to green seemed to be EVERYWHERE... and me in my t-shirt and jeans determined to NEVER go back to the bright colors of the Hamptons EVER again...

Then a strange thing happened.. We went in and met each of these "groups" on their turf, with their colors, and silver, and beautifully decorated chapter rooms that very much looked like "home". They were real people, they were trying to get us to want them, they were asking questions and seemed like they cared.. They understood the scariness of being 2 hours away from home and they were like me. It didn't take long for me to know which place I belonged.. The pearls, the pink, the fact that my (soon to be) "Big" sister was one of the people I most looked up to in High School. 

At some point we were reminded of the rules: always be back by Sunday night for Chapter meetings that you couldn't wear Kurt Cobain to. You had to dress and "respect yourself and the space". The meetings were real and to be taken seriously. You NEVER smoke or drink and wear letters (which is an issue since you are ALWAYS wearing letters). You NEVER UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCE spend the night in the fraternity house. (even if you leave before sun up). Your grades matter, after all that IS what your parents are spending all that money on. Also, you wouldn't be able to attend the functions if you weren't passing. That would stink. You are to always put your "sisters"first. You never leave them at a party or any place that they could be harmed. There are several things that remain secret and must always in order to protect that bond that you make. 

It all kinda seems silly as an adult but looking back because why wouldn't you want to do these things on your own.. but it wasn't . It's kinda of like why do you make your bed everyday if you are just going to get back in it? Because it's a discipline. These girls taught me to have respect for myself and if you screw up you are going to get called out for it because you are not only representing yourself, you are representing your school and your Chapter. You dress for meetings because you are learning the importance of looking nice in public and you are not taught how to dress for The Club.. It is modest and correct attire that will serve you well in the future when you go to a business function or when you have to dress for a dinner. They teach you the reason to not act a fool in public (although those lessons mixed with freedom from parents sometimes take a few times to learn and the discipline girls are TOUGH) or so I've heard.. (first hand one time and one time only!) Most important they taught you the reason to be a good friend and have each others' backs. They taught you that what your "Sisters" say matters and that it is in your best interest to hear them and to also be heard by them when they need it... It taught me above all that respect for self and others is what a legacy is..

Phi Mu is something that I have let slip in my post college years. That is NOT what we were taught. We were suppose to always be involved with our sorority.  I have not been back to help the Chapter or even to homecoming. I have been raising babies and finding new friends.. Ironically though, Phi Mu has found me. I have always gotten my monthly magazine and wear my pin from time to time. When I decorate my house I think often of the Chapter room that was so much like home. I love my family silver. I love my family pearls (though I still love Pearl Jam.. I can now just love Eddie without having to dress like him!) and when I see a pink carnation I always smile.. I am so glad that I have these girls as sisters and forever friends and it is really sweet to meet new ladies and find out they too were Phi Mu sisters after I left. It's funny that I seem to connect with certain people and eventually find out that some of them really do share a bond with me that no one else ever will.

Anyone that thinks that Sorority life is just about "buying friends" obviously never experienced it. It is deeper than that. It is a connection that is unexplainable. These ladies are what "class" is all about. Literally. They are the woman that are in our weddings. They are like picking up an old locket and remembering special memories. They shared the most freeing times in our lives and they taught us how to not be catty, petty, trashy woman. They were there to remind us what our Mothers and Grandmothers and Great Grandmothers wanted for us. A life full of love, children, happiness. A life that when we leave this Earth we left it better than when we got here. It has taken me a long time to find myself again but roots run deep and I "remember where I came from" and my kids are going to be so happy when I go back to Vineyard Vines and buy them the Chinos with the whale on them or go to Lilly and get the girls Phi Mu headbands in hopes that my legacy will live on... I am glad I "stopped the world and went Phi Mu!" And I'm proud to have each of you in my lives again! 

Sunday, February 19, 2012

For Shawna.. Same band different day!

Oh my...
My twenty thrown down in my fist of rage
And the man to my left just folded down
Johnny doubled up with a Royal Flush
I had three jacks and a pair of nines
My mind is turning just two shots more
There's not much left to play
Then dude walks in Black hat on top, what a mop
I'm lucky it wasn't a county cop, cause I'm just running out of time

Who's up for game two, what to do?
My wallets getting thin and I just lost my watch last night
I got a problem, just one answer got to throw it all down
And kiss it goodbye

That was a crazy game of poker
I lost it all
But someday I'll be back again
And I抣l never fold.
Never fold.

Who's up for game three?
I can barely see the bourbon drowning next to me
And I just lost it all
Well there's a man sitting next to me
Red with smiling eyes
It's funny I don't have no money tonight.

That was a crazy game of poker
I lost it all
But someday I'll be back again
And I抣l never fold.
Never fold.

Bada biba... ... ...
I say now skitili dat dat dat well how bout that
I'm coming out the front never coming out the back
I walked into the bar yesterday
Cause I had something to do, something to say
And Johnny walked in right behind me and
I didn't turn around
Until I hear the sound of his feet falling
On the ground, looked over my shoulder
And I saw a clown
And I said what are you doing in the bar tonight?
And I said Johnny whatcha doing tonight?
He looked at me with a face full of fright
And I said how about a revolution?
And he said , right.

I say of, you say a, I say revolution, and you say die 2x

And I said what are you looking at?
He hit me across the face with a bat.
I grabbed my 45 and I said let's get out and go
Well so he opened the door, and said "now, whatcha here for?"
I said I'm wanderin' down the road 4.4
And I said I've been walking for about a thousand years
And my feet are growing tired
My eyes a little wired
Don't know what to do unless I retire
And he just said let's play some crazy poker
So I said Johnny whatcha doing tonight?
He looked at me with a face full of fright
And I said how about a revolution?
And he said right.

I say of, you say a, I say revolution, and you say die 2x

I said that was the craziest game of poker that I ever saw
I said that was the craziest game of poker that I ever saw
But Im not gonna quit and I'm not gonna stop
I don't give a shit cause I got the drop
Johnny just got two eyes just like mine
And I'm feeling kind of funky, kinda fine
Cause I drank a bottle of whiskey before I came
Came to the bar to see what's the same
I saw my man named Johnny sitting across the table from me
And to my left was a man who had no gin
He didn't even think about starting to sin
The man to my right, wasn't feeling very nice
He looked kinda mad and I felt bad
Because I took his money last night
It's kinda funny
Now I'm just struggling
I need a honey bunny
I don't know what to say anymore
So Im just going to go out the front door.

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Wish I could take credit.. OAR u got this one exactly;)

I just heard the world is breaking down into bits again
Tell me what am I to do?
And you just want me to stay here
So I'm just gonna stay here

Home, the last resort
Build a castle with an iron door
Lock the window, pull the shades
The hazed out sun won't help anyway

If the world is crumbling down
I don't wanna be alone
No, locked up in this place

I heard the world up, late night
Holding my breath tight trying to keep my head on right
There's a chill in the air, nobody could care
How you're caught up in the fight of your life

Fear, is holding me here
The television got me seeing unclear
Bravery, my neighbor moved away
'Cause I don't need to be courageous today

If the world was crumbling down
I don't wanna be alone
No, locked up in this place

I heard the world up, late night
Holding my breath tight trying to keep my head on right
There's a chill in the air, nobody could care
How you're caught up in the fight of your life

I heard the world up, late night
Holding my breath tight trying to keep my head on right
There's a chill in the air, nobody could care
How you're caught up in the fight of your life

Nothing is gonna save me
I'm hanging from the nearest tree
Nothing is gonna save me
I'm hanging from the nearest tree

I heard the world up, late night
Holding my breath tight trying to keep my head on right
There's a chill in the air, nobody could care
How you're caught up in the fight of your life

But tomorrow is a new day....

Monday, February 13, 2012


Well I think it's time I explained my New Orleans obsession... It's hard to put something like a city into words. I am well aware that when I say "I LOVE New Orleans" people automatically see Bourbon Street and drunks and crazy wild fun in their brains. Now while I have been on Bourbon several times after dark and I do agree that the sleazy nightlife could be a big draw for lots of people, that has absolutely nothing to do with my obsession. I'm afraid Joe Francis and his "Girls Gone Wild" crew have a very different philosophy than the most famous Krewes that the town is more appropriately known for starting..
My first experience with NOLA actually dates back to my preganacy with Keelie who is now almost 12. We had taken a company trip to this notorious city and especially considering my huge belly decided after the first night that the crowds and craziness of the nightlife forced us to explore a different part of the city. As we soon found out from carriage drivers and local store owners, NOLA has a rich and vast history. The architecture, the music, the art, the food, and the people are in my opinion more unique than in any other city I have ever visited in the United States.
Mardi Gras actually started in the late 1700s. Wealthy people held lavish balls in order to let loose and have fun before the start of Lent when it's customary to "do without" in observation for the upcoming Easter celebration. Today there are several Krewe's that make it their business to "put on" the parades leading up to Fat Tuesday. It is the ONLY American parade season, if you will, not put on by the city. The only thing that the city takes care of is the police presence. The 150-200 year old clubs are much like sororities or fraternities. You have to be a member and you have to pay dues to belong then you fundraise with things such as bingo in order to fund your parade floats, bands, and throws. It is the only time that a city conducts a party for itself. I'm quite certain that the shops and restaurants enjoy the travelers that attend for their profit margin but the parades and balls are NOT for the general public and in fact if you are not a native you may find it hard to even know where things a being held or what specifically is held.
What I love about it is the OVER THE TOPness of it. The crowns, septures, the ball gowns, the throws, all because the natives want to. No other reason, no other purpose. I love the idea of dressing up and naming Kings and Queens in lavish garb. I love the sense of pride that they must feel that another year has produced another season of fun and memories. As is the tradition when rushing in Greek life, there isn't a governing body other than the individual groups that put the parades on that decide the theme or the costumes for that year.
The city itself has culture steept in French/Spanish tradition that is apparent from the dialect to the food to the buildings. The balcony for instance was created for two reasons. One is so that the wealthy people could be outside and over look the city and yet be protected from the "commoners" as well as the sun on a super hot New Orleans day and there are many. That is also why the houses are made in the shotgun style to allow better airflow. Also, there are many courtyards in the middle of the homes for the same reasons.
The city has so many unique features and I haven't even talked about the food, the jazz, or most importantly the spirit of the city. It is just a really cool place that throws the biggest party in the United States for itself and unlike most people think it is VERY kid friendly when it comes to the parades and lifestyle of the "Big Easy". I really cannot think of a place that compares or a reason to want to try..and if I had my choice, I'd live there doing crawfish broils on the bayou and be riding on a parade float listening to people say "throw me something mister" every year...

Tuesday, February 7, 2012


I am oddly very focused and centered today.. Life isn't exactly the way I thought it was going to be and a lot of changes in my life in months and years to come scare me so much but a friend sent me a video today that explained EXACTLY what I always believed about life and the questions I rustle with daily. Such as Why?? Why do we feel the way we feel about things? How do we get there? And of course what is the point anyway?? Just a simple look at something I already knew.

When I love something I LOVE it and I want YOU to LOVE it too.. For instance if I want to go to a concert....Say, oh I don't know (she says with a smirk) Corey Smith... I don't want you to go with me if you don't know anything about him.. In fact I don't want you to go with me just because you want to.. It's not enough for me for you to want to go. I want want to go.. for YOU.. I want you to want to go because I know if you know Corey like I do you will want to because it will change your life.. No really, I believe that.. Every experience changes your life. Now you may think I'm "friends" with Corey Smith.. I am not.. Well he doesn't know me (tho he does follow me on twitter, lol).

You see, probably five years ago a friend did like he always did and sent me 5-7 "new" to me artist that I needed to listen to.. Whenever I was with this friend he and I would talk about music like we were in college talking about random life events because we had nothing else to discuss and that was enough for me.. So, at some point life got busy.. we had more and more kids and we never sat down with this couple as adults anymore... every once in awhile he would text me some singers or I would say "hey it's been awhile, you have anyone I need to know?" and sure enough to this day he aways has a couple that resonate with me.. This time it was Corey.. I quickly realized that I was NOT in high school and God wasn't messing with me and making me think "omg he wrote this song for me.."as I listened to song after song on youtube. I, at this point was mature enough to know (insert another smirk) that I "got him" because we had had the same life experiences though his demons are different than mine.. He is from the south, we go to the same beach, were close to the same age, had similar college experiences right down to the sports excitement and now we were trying to figure out how to take these experiences and live our adult lives.. WE did not know each other and our paths had never crossed except at the concerts I paid to see him sing (and I know those don't count).

Until one day our paths not only crossed but they intersected, my husband has a friend and got us into this meet and greet to meet this man that had so "understood" me. I was so excited. We had to take the kids, I mean by now they knew MOST of his songs.. Had to take some friends that did not have the want to.. want to go but did for me.. We are in the Hard Rock in Nashville and arguably the best writer (not to mention singer/guitarist but that is NOT exactly my pull to him even though I love it too).. THE BEST WRITER in my mind since John and Paul, or Bob, or Kurt walks very unassumingly into the room.. And we begin to chit chat. Talking about his soon to be released first video.. and his touring and random randomness.. I didn't want to seem like the stalker that I was so I refrained from asking things like.. "what makes you write the things you do? Why are you so real? Why do you share so much? How does your wife feel about all this?" I was playing it cool as we started talking about him buying his wife an Explorer because he wanted something bigger put wasn't ready for a van... Yeah I know the feeling.. And that's about the time my friend that had come with us and my most prized song writer started talking about the bathroom at the Hard Rock and which stall they liked to used.. Really?? Really? I am at this monumental moment in my mind and we are talking about vans and potties?? I so wanted to have a "sit down" and ask these "why" questions that I ask everyone I know and right at that moment I realized why.. The why is because THAT is what he knows about, what he believes, what he feels, the why is that we are all the same and we just want to find the people we are the same "with"...

I remember this special time that the same friend and his wife that went with us to meet Corey came to my house. My husband had been out of town all week, the kids were sick (shocker), it was just the worst week and suddenly before bedtime one night they show up. She says "go get your shoes my husband has a surprise for you, don't worry I'll watch your kids." So I go get some shoes, didn't bother to look at my pj pants and Corey Smith t-shirt that probably had lots of lovelies on it. I walked outside and he said "Get in your driving".. I was like "what"?? He works at the local luxury car dealership and had brought a convertible Mercedes to my house and told me to drive and he turned the radio up really loud and said, "nope go faster"... It was 10 minutes.. 10.. but it was one of the BEST gifts of my life.. THEY said in those 10 minutes.. "I know you, I care about you, I want to give you something you can never ever have..." (and no it wasn't the convertible tho that I cannot have either because I chose children) an experience in a $100,000 car just because I you matter...And he knew that the best feeling in the world to me was music, wind, and knowing ME... That's all I've ever wanted from anyone in my whole life.. 100% truth, honesty, and to do it in a way that "GETS ME".... Looking back, if I had had on my Louboutins and my Burberry bag (because that Hermes bag is kinda like that convertible, a nice thought but I chose children) I think that might well have been one of the top experiences of my bucket list that I didn't even know I wanted..

We often tease this friend that works at the dealership.. He gets more "gifts" than anyone I know.. Who takes their luxury car to get worked on and gives the guy a gift card, a pie that their grandmama made or an ipad?? Well I think I finally have it figured out.. That video this morning was right, they don't do it for him... They probably think they do.. But they don't.. They do it for themselves.. They like how he makes them feel when they are there. That is the ONLY reasonable explanation.. I don't know anyone who will part with money on something they didn't want to fix anyway then come baring gifts.. Something about being around certain people or places or things make you feel good about who you are and we all want more of that.. Much like the Corey song.. "Every Dawg" about the Georgia Bulldogs.. That song is NOT about a football team. It is about a feeling.. The feeling he got as a child watching them win (or lose) the feeling he still gets.. It's not something you can tangibly name but in a song you can "see" it..

He says:Just got my tickets in the mail, andSeptember's coming fast, and I can hardly waitThey say these guys, they might take us all the wayAnd, if they do I'll be flying highAnd, there'll probably a happy tear in my eyeRain or shine, I'll be yelling "GO DAWGS" from the twenty yard line
**** and that is how I feel when I see him sing....:) I like the way he makes me feel.. even on a bad day...

Monday, January 30, 2012

The right pair of shoes really can change the world...

What oh what is this blog gonna be about??? Probably as random as my thoughts.. In my quest for something for my mind and body to do I have begun my journey to the mini marathon that I as usual have given myself very little time to really accomplish without punishment. It's all good though because in this short half day since I've announced my plans I have 2 woman that have offered to train (aka beat the hell out of me) and another that is just sooooooo upbeat and makes me want to be better just knowing this busy mom, with a job outside the home, a small business, and still has time to make those around her feel like the only person in the world.  Plus so many other "you can do it's"...

I must admit when I told my husband  I was "researching mini's" he said "really" and turned over and went back to sleep.. That at first really hurt my feelings. I of course said nothing but in my brain I was thinking all these thoughts about how he NEVER supports me, he is ALWAYS so whatever when it comes to my dreams...blah blah blah... Then I made a CHOICE to let it go... Of course he would act like that considering I have started a few projects over the years only to not finish.. Actually I don't START things.. If I'm going to do it I do it 110% and burn out quickly... So those ALWAYS and NEVERS were replaced in my brain with WAIT AND SEE... Ironically it so happened that when we next talked about it he had "researched" and was surprisingly supportive..but in the end I decided that I didn't need anyone's support.. This is for ME... this is something I want to do for "me" time that is sooo perfect for my music addiction.. 

My playlist is soooo random.. I had no idea how great Big and Rich is to run to.. then of course Buckcherry was very inspiring and somewhat a look into me.. who knew???(Heather Lawless NO COMMENTS HERE) But ultimately the song that I can't get out of my head after my run was OAR's Ctiy on Down... I think because it spoke to me sooooo much.. "Just a while ago my soul was confused, amused at what it did not know..days went by and amusement cried..I decided it was to move on now but I was so scared...I was frightened.. somewhat I changed my shoes.. now I walk through a valley of color....Much better than the other..." 

I went today to buy new running shoes and as my love for shoes goes I NEVER thought about "pretty" shoes to run in.. BUT today I went to Trax and I literally said, "This may be the craziest thing you have EVER heard but I LOVE HIGH HEELS and I want some shoes that make me happy EVERY DAY when I go run.." I left that store with $115 less, but a new best friend (yes the girl and I exchanged numbers and she is making my butt RUN and she teaches ZUMBA.. hello??), and some REALLY cool shoes.. In fact as I'm typing my boy just walked in from school and said "Mommy did you get new shoes?? Those are soooo cool. Can I have some??" 

So I guess what I learned is you can stay in the EXACT same place and find new life and make a choice to see things differently.. I still have a house full of laundry and dust and dinners that need to be planned but at the end of today I think OAR says it better than I ever could....

"I decided to let my soul fly on by itself...pick happiness up...bring it back to the shelf...we will be okay one a valley we will more moving on..."

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

And how it all started

Feeling very much like a young Hemmingway as I sit here in the coffee shop trying to think what in the world I want to think about.. But I am nothing like him at all.. The said "coffee shop" is actually a big chain store with lots and lots of books because they have an internet connection and for some reason my creativity leaves when my wifi in the house we pay for is on.  I am married as he was but my four kids are actually very much going to influence my time as he of course could not see.  Also, I don't think he had an ipod listening to "Pink" in order to find his inner zen... Other than that.. Just a like, we are!!! 

I do feel like I'm on the cusp of something.. I have this brain that constantly spins in every known direction hence the title of the blog.. well actually that's a lie.. It is my brain but it is also one of my favorite things that Eddie Vedar sings as he shows us his mind in the song Black.. I have a million things I want to accomplish that I have put on hold to some degree so that my children could get food and baths or whatever and so that my husband could enjoy his career without having to wonder where the children were.. I still feel all that has to be done and currently am not so good at it.. I need a plan. I need direction.. I need something to do daily that makes me use my brain because the laundry and meal planning is not exactly what my parents paid for me to do with my college degree.. Not to mention I have some GREAT ideas.. just don't know what direction will be the most fruitful and fulfilling..

Somehow I imagine that most woman feel like this.. Even though my kids are NOT grown and most definitely CANNOT manage alone as of yet there are still things that my spirit needs..I enjoy the "growing up" years with my kids more than some maybe. I am not sad, yet.  I am glad to NOT change diapers and wake up all night. I am happy to share clothes and shoes with my daughters and I LOVE it when my oldest fixes my hair.. I also love to hear their stories. The ones about boys and teachers and bugs.. Those I won't elaborate on too much that will be for their future blogs but I want to be plugged in with them and still have my own brain.. Can I do that? Is that allowed? Is that possible?? 

And I leave you with a verse from Black:

I take a walk outside 
I'm surrounded but some kids at play
I can feel their laughter, so why do I sear?
Oh, and twisted thoughts that spin round my head
I'm spinning, oh, I'm spinning
How quick the sun can drop away